Lessons for 4H Clubs & FFA
Would You Like To Be A Cowboy?
A lesson about the history of the Cowboy. We will learn what the skills are they need and the equipment they need to do their jobs. They also wear special pieces of clothing to help them complete their jobs. Many things have remained the same throughout the years but there are some new techniques that will be discovered in the lesson as well. Open to all ages, no fee.
Beef Is A Super Hero
Lab Protein vs Beef
Science is always looking for the next new discovery. One of its newest experiments is trying to recreate a meat product that can be made in a petri dish and not on our grasslands using cattle. Concerns about our ozone being destroyed by methane gas released from grazing animals is only one of the reasons for this new experimentation. Let us engage you in a discussion about the pros and cons of this new experiment.
Home On The Range
San Diego County was a part of the western history of ranching. Once the rolling coastal hills that became the 3rd largest city in California, were covered with grasslands, brush, and grazing cattle. The now technology center of Sorrento Valley was part of the center of the cattle industry in San Diego County by providing railways to transfer the meat commodity up and down the coast, and to and from as far away as Arizona. Allow us to take you back in time and follow the rich history of cattle ranching in San Diego County.
Wow That Cow!
Students are introduced to all the products we use or consume that come from a beef animal. From hamburgers to lipsticks and tires, each part of the beef animal is used. Just like the Plains Indians used all parts of the buffalo to survive, we too do not let any part of the beef animal go to waste. A competitive relay game concludes the lessons with a beef by-product sample for each student.
Beef Is Sweet
Beef provides us with many nutrients to help keep our bodies healthy. It provides us with protein, iron, zinc, and B-12 just to mention a few. Every part of the beef animal is used for all types of products. Delicious meat, medicines, cosmetics, clothing items, tires, materials used for road construction and even sweets can be made using products provided by a beef animal. Jellybeans, marshmallows, Life Savers, chewing gum, Fruit Roll Up’s, Tootsie Pops, Toaster Tarts, Milky Ways, and boxed cake mixes all are made with beef by-products. Let us show you how Sweet Beef is with our 30-minute presentation.
My Cheeseburger Came From A Farm
Using a 32” fabric cheeseburger the students are presented with a lesson about where in their state of California each part of a cheeseburger comes from. Primary students use a song and the intermediate students use a crossword puzzle and group competition to learn about the nutrients found in this complete food. A brief discussion about the job farmers and ranchers play in our healthy lifestyles is completed with a classroom Vote for Beef grown by ranchers or Lab Meat made by scientists.
Lessons from a Cow & a Worm
This lesson highlights the cow and the worm and encourages the students to think critically about the interaction between each animal and it’s environment. By identifying the animal’s natural behavior and how it applies to being good stewards to the world we all share. Ruminant and monogastric digestive systems and composting are used to show how every living thing helps keep our soils healthy and ready to grow the grasses and plants used to keep the natural cycle of life turning.
Head 'Em Up & Move 'Em Out!
An interactive lesson about the life of a cowboy/cowgirl out on the range. Students are introduced to the clothing, equipment used, foods, and skills needed to herd the cattle from place to place. Each student will be able to apply for a job on a mock cattle drive as we model what his/her life might have been like living as a cattle herder.
Team building, cooperation, and respect are taught throughout the lesson.